Behind the Scenes

Well, since the tenant doesn’t have to be out until March 31, there’s not much I can do onsite at the house.  In the mean time…..

I have drawn & designed floor plans (to the best of my abilities with the few measurements I have gotten), I have landscaped the yard (in my mind), I have bushogged the whole place, I have continued to pin things on Pinterest, Houzz, and Better Homes & Gardens.  I have combed Southern Living, both online & magazines.  So what have I decided? I am completely overwhelmed by the options & possibilities.  What this means is M is going to earn her free lunch with her decorating skills.

I am not sure where to start, though.  Also, remember, I am hoping to spend as much time this summer in the Tennessee Mountains as I can.  So what do I do? Set up house without all the fancy? Paint & plop furniture & go? Stay long enough to make it a home?  Mow the grass once & head out?

Remember as a kid, an open schedule was freedom to do whatever you wanted at the time you wanted to do it?  I could watch TV or go fishing or walk up to Majic Market or ride my bike or my motorcycle or walk miles to Carmen’s house.  I could do anything.  Now I think a schedule would be good for me.  I can become so overwhelmed with everything that I do nothing, which overwhelms me – it’s a vicious cycle.

Because I have about 3 readers, I do implore you to help me – make a list of tasks, encourage me to do them, help me do them, give me ideas, I will feed anyone who comes to help.

Well, I wanted to let you know I have not forgotten this blog.  We just haven’t done much regarding the house since I started the blog.  I do think I’ve decided on a “Pottery Barn” house – that rustic, warm & cozy w/ a beach theme.  I guess we knew that, but I was able to label the look.  Hopefully, without the price!

I did meet with J & her husband.  He is going to make me some tables from our wood.  I am excited to see what he comes up with.

I suppose that’s about it for the time being.  I think in about another month I will be starting to actually move in (if it’s habitable).